Therapy Staffing

Who Benefits From Therapy?

A wide variety of people can benefit from Occupational, Speech and Physical Therapy, including those with birth injuries, learning problems, developmental disabilities, burns, spinal cord injuries, thinking skills, swallowing, speech, language, broken bones or other injuries from falls, sports or accidents. We can provide services in Schools, Pre-Schools, Day Care, Home-Based and other locations specifically requested. Oxford also has Therapists who specialize in servicing children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

  • Physical Therapists (PT) -Direct their efforts towards the development and maintenance of optimal physical performance in order to enhance the individual’s ability to learn and function in an educational setting.
Physical Therapist
  • Occupational Therapists (OT) – Direct their efforts to the improvement of a student’s capacity to cope and manage their everyday activities of living and minimize dysfunctions that limit potential for learning in an educational environment. Occupational Therapists work to achieve an individual’s optimal functioning abilities.
Occupational Therapist
  • Speech Therapists (SLP) – Identify disorders of language, articulation, fluency, voice and hearing. They develop the appropriate therapy programs in receptive and expressive communication skills. They are also involved with oral-motor function/dysfunction as it relates to communication and feeding. Speech Therapists work to achieve an individual’s optimal receptivity to education.
Speech Therapist

Costs and Services

Contracting services with a private agency will save you money in recruiting costs, employer taxes, fringe benefits, healthcare and liability insurance costs.

Oxford provides a full range of services, including:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Speech Therapy
  • Psychological Services
  • Occupational Therapy
  • LDTC
  • Bilingual Staff Available

We're here to help!